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Social media sales: how do you boost this?

Social media sales: how do you boost this?

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Social media sales have changed somewhat, both in terms of strategy and targeted actions. Two years ago, the following scheme was profitable. Entrepreneurs created a landing page, launched an advertising campaign, received applications and forwarded them to the sales department. The conversion rate was at most 10%. 90% of potential customers lost. Then we started getting serious about the sales funnel and realized it was the easiest way to talk to the public on social networks.

Why social media is relevant to business

According to the analysis firm We Are Social and the Hootsuite SMM platform, the number of internet users has risen to 4.021 billion;

the audience of social networks is 3.196 billion people – this is 13% more than last year;

the number of users on social networks is growing by 1 million every day;

social networks are growing at a rate of 11 new users per second.

How an online store can increase sales on social networks

According to statistical agency Statista, 1.8 billion people shop online. Online store sales have increased by 16% in the past year. Annual sales were $ 1.5 trillion.

Most sales come from Facebook with 2 billion active users and Instagram with 700 million users.

Social media marketing

With the help of SMM, a company increases brand awareness, loyalty and sales. Audience loyalty, willingness to buy and repeat sales are affected by many factors, from product and price to brand message format. Particular attention should be paid to communication.

Formats for communication via social media

Achievement Motivation – Make users feel the need to achieve something. Invite them to take a series of actions for the desired reward. For this, competitions, photo publications, games with the possibility of reaching new statuses are best suited.

Call upon Values ​​- Make your values ​​clear to your audience. Write about values, make symbols and associations. Values ​​are the foundation of customer trust.

Trust through authority – find reputable people whose image matches your product / service. Make agreements about cooperation with opinion leaders. Submit testimonials from real clients. Strive to become an expert and opinion leader in the eyes of customers, partners, colleagues.

Attract the crowd – it takes away all doubts. Tell your audience about your fans and their loyalty. Joke about current trends.

Determine whether your brand brings many people together or creates a small circle. In beliefs, people generally tend to be in the majority. In flavors – for the minority.

5 steps to increase social media sales

Step 1: Be clear and accessible to your audience

Communicate about her pain and desires and respond to any comments. Keep a FAQ section. Reinforce arguments with research.

Step 2: Use restrictions and fear of loss

Variety is exciting, but it is the limitations that increase interest in the product / service and accelerate choice. Add a category “product for” and discounts for individual products. Make limited bids, indicate that there are only 5 pieces left, say that the price will go up tomorrow.

Step 3: Get the WOW effect

Surprise the audience with cheerful surprises: free bonuses, competitions, gifts.

Step 4: Use Free Promotion Methods

Offer your product / service as a barter for a blogger. Run a giveaway for subscribing to all sponsors – giveaway and like-time – for a subscription and 10 likes. So you increase the organic reach of your posts, you can get in the TOP of Instagram and be recommended.

Step 5: Create Cool and Useful Content

Use trends: live broadcasts, stories, videos. The content must be of high quality and colorful to convey the attractiveness of the offering.

High-quality, engaging content, communication with the public and free promotion will increase sales of goods / services on social networks.

How to Sell on Instagram

Instagram is one of the simplest and most effective social networks to sell. According to Sprout Social:

48% of users buy your product if you answer questions quickly;

46% buy the product / service for the promotion;

42% will choose a product / service if the page has attractive visual content;

27% make a purchase when they see materials left behind the scenes; 

the most popular reasons why users unsubscribe are uninteresting content (32%) and an abundance of messages (28%).

Apply your research results to your business and tap into what resonates with your audience.

What to do now with social media

prepare quality content;

respond quickly and politely to inquiries;

shows the benefits of the product / service, not just the features;

set up easy communication with the customer: telephones, instant messengers, extra contacts;

surprise, give gifts;

hold competitions;

go live, record stories, upload videos.

social media sales: what to remember

Which is worth remembering

Social media sales are influenced by the loyalty of the public. It is made up of communication. Communicate honestly, show real results, share feedback, demonstrate the company’s workflow.

Trends dramatically expand the reach. Use live broadcasts, stories, videos.

Grow your audience and sell for free with giveaways and like-time.

The WOW effect increases audience engagement and repeat business. Give bonuses, gifts, contests.

Working systematically and taking into account all the “little things” will increase public loyalty and sales …

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